Monday, October 22, 2007

Open Letter by Bill Hunter

This was published as an open letter by Bill Hunter.

It is very interesting. Hunter states that "there are still 6 Panel members who stand behind their report". Hmmm. Judith can't be standing by the conclusions of the report after being the primary author of this report. Who is the seventh panel member? I counted six.

Further, he states "Six extraordinary (extraordinary because they gave up their lives for 7 months to volunteer to participate...." Bill is calling himself "extraordinary". How humble. Also he says the work was done on as volunteers! The panel wasn't paid? This explains in large part the report. They apparently didn't devote full time efforts to it but crunched it in between other commitments. Or were they in fact paid and Bill is misrepresenting facts again? Really, pretty much anything that guy says should be considered with caution at best. This is a guy who actually believes the forestry industry pays its fair share, and is gentle on the environment and...... the Orwellian imagery gets pretty thick indeed.

Here is Bill's missive in whole, from this site:

"My friend

The Our Fair Share report is a culmination of learnings, analysis, debates, arguments (for and against), thoughts and personal believes … in the future of Alberta through some stringent Terms of Reference, asked of Albertans.

Six extraordinary (extraordinary because they gave up their lives for 7 months to volunteer to participate in a Panel to ascertain whether Albertans get their fair share of revenues from “their” non-renewable energy resources) Albertans, many of which are North America’s top minds when it comes to; Royalties, Taxes and Fees, Business, Economics, Sustainability, Production and being Albertan … elected to design and deliver a report that came from a position of what they believe is compromise and balance.

Each Panel member brought unique and solid strengths to the mix of intelligence and compassion for the topics being discussed. Judith Dwarkin is an example of that strength; her careers and exposure to/and in the Energy world were critical to the balance we found in our deliberations, I am indebted to her contribution and appreciate her ability to represent the industry’s positions.

Today, Oct. 20th, 2007 … I feel that there are still 6 Panel members who stand behind their report and its intent to be a starting point for the launch of a new regime that embraces “continuous improvement” and will ensure Our Fair Share for the Owners, the People of Alberta!

Proud to be an Alberta Royalty Review Panel Member and it’s Chair,

Bill Hunter"


Anonymous said...

hey. Is it you we are looking for ? we met in Istanbul in 1990. You were studying medicine and your wife Nicole was studying law. We would like to get in contact with you again. Linda Larsen and John Hansen, Denmark

Ian Langdon said...

I was in Istanbul in 1990; not sure if it is me you are looking for as I don't remember ever having a wife named Nicole, LOL.

The time and place is quite a coincidence though; might be worth sorting out if we did meet. send me an email at and make the title clear as I'll get hammered with spam putting an address online like this.