What's the new pork barrel projects? Bullet train? Maybe. Suddenly, there is a lot of talk about biofuel. Biofuel and the royalty shakedown seems to be the focus of the department of energy, see bottom. News items from the site. For a province sitting on the largest hydrocarbon deposits on earth the focus on biofuel seems a trite odd. I noted this on another posting.
Biofuel has been synonomous with pork-barrel politics wherever it has been deployed.
So with that in mind, isn't the naming of this plant eerie or what? You just can't make this shit up:
Provincial bio-energy grant spurs growth near Falher
October 19, 2007
The Smoky Pork Development Ltd. plant near Falher will receive more than $900,000 in support from the Government of Alberta as part of the province’s ongoing commitment to alternative and renewable energy sources.
Here's another one, with some details what they are spending the money on. Note, the Government is GIVING THESE GUYS MONEY to build the plants. It says below $239 million has been allocated for such uses. The $1.4 billion shaken out of the oil patch will line a lot of pockets indeed.
Building a stronger Alberta
October 16, 2007
REVISED ***Provincial bio-energy grant spurs growth near Fort Saskatchewan***
***Fort Saskatchewan... More than $4 million has been approved for Canadian Bioenergy Corporation biodiesel plant near Fort Saskatchewan. This plant will be one of the largest biodiesel plants to be constructed in Western Canada and will provide feedstock opportunities for rural Alberta and the agricultural industry.***
“Opportunities to involve communities throughout Alberta in bio-energy projects show that Albertans, as well as businesses, are aware of the benefits of bio-energy,” said Mel Knight, Minister of Energy. “These grants will increase investment and help offset some of the start-up costs companies may face.”
The funding was allocated through the Bio-refining Commercialization and Market Development Program and the Bio-energy Infrastructure Development Program. Both grant programs are part of the Alberta government’s $239 million Nine-Point Bio-energy Plan designed to encourage the growth of a clean, renewable fuel industry in Alberta.
Alberta Energy website news - note the alarming under representation of petroleum related news not related to the royalty shakedown.

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