The current exchange rate is over US $ 1.02 per C $ 1.00.
Canadian price for Costco 2 piece furniture set C$2899.99.
Same furniture and same retailer, American price US$1999.99.
Canadians pay over 45% higher price! Not to pick on Costco in particular on this matter. I actually like and admire Costco as a retailer and business. I see this everywhere, and to see it with Costco to with their 15% margin policy it simply magnifies how unfair Canadians are being treated.
Where is the Canadian consumer's outrage? Special, higher prices reserved for Canadians?
WTF indeed.
I suggest the best course of action is to defer consumer purchases as much as possible until the retail sector gets its act together.

1 comment:
Try buying a snowmobile. Ski-Doo is made in Canada and available for 3 to 4 thousand dollars cheaper in the USA. Makes me ill.
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